Financial Information Islington Meetings

Audit committee 22.3.11 report

Audit committee 22.3.11 report

Various ILA members & leaseholders attended the Audit committee (AC) meeting reviewing reports on HFI’s “Quality of PFI Refurbishment Works” & and the “quality of Partners’ assessments of challenges made by leaseholders’ to their final bills for refurbishment works to their homes.”(LCR).

The meeting heard that in the AC’s opinion, everything was mostly fine, and considered Partners work in general as passing the council approved standard (availability standard) despite the fact that HFI inspectors only inspected 10% of the properties in the PFI2 contract and identified on average issues with all the properties they inspected (271 issue on 216 properties).

HFI also said that they could not inspect any more of the 4000 PFI2 properties, and refused to allocate any more of their 800 staff to property inspection and monitoring the availability standard on this PFI2 £426million contract. The report also says its impossible to judge whether Partners represent Value for money. This was accepted as fine by the AC.

Another (LCR) report said that 26 out of the 30 challanges made by leaseholders were successful with an average reduction in bills being £.1.4k and concluded that Partners treatment of challenges was fair, and made some recomendations to improve and speed up the process. ( full details in report via weblink below)

ILA Chair Dr Brian Potter called “the report a white wash” and invited the chair “Cllr Kelly” to attend the next leaseholders meeting—the invitation was not accepted—instead he asked if I would attend a HFI surgery!

Dr Potter said he was happy to attend any meeting with our councilors but without HFI present—since these meeting were at policy level—and HFI did not set the policy for Islington—The council did…!!!

you can download these reports ( all approved by the Audit committee) here


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