Disband HFI petition – Bring council services inhouse – Make them more cost effective.
Dr Brian Potter (ILA chair) has signed the below petition From: thomas.cooper@tchi.org.uk and suggests that every one else does.
Dear fellow Islington residents,
As you are most likely aware, several resident representatives have been calling for a ballot on the continuation (or, rather not) of HFI, but despite pre-election pledges to consult with ALL residents and to “look at bringing housing back in-house” these calls have been ignored. Instead, Islington Council is spending £30,000 on a supposed review of the services currently managed by HFI. I know that I am not the only one who has good reason to believe that this is an expensive gesture to give the impression of listening to residents’ views, whilst having no intention or indeed willingness to disband HFI and be accountable for our housing services. Whilst some have expressed the view that services would not be any better under the Council, we can be quite sure that they would be more cost effective and Councillors whether effective or not are at least accessible via their surgeries and, via the ballot box, accountable.
Please sign the petition linked below and forward the link to other Islington residents whom you think might be interested and supportive. If you have any comments or observations that could be fed into the debate, please do let me know. This may not get us what we want, but will at least make our views known.
Deadline to sign up by: 28 August 2011
Yours in resident unity,
Thomas Cooper, Islington Council Tenant www.disbandHFI.org.uk
Feel free to email this on to anyone else that might be interested.
TC letter to tribune expanding case against HFI can be read here.