Housing ILA Information Islington Lands Tribunal LBI Leaseholders Major Works Service Charges Website

TREMLETT GROVE LVT Findings summary

 This is a precis of the ruling earlier this year by the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal regarding work that took pace on the Tremlett Grove Estate. The case featured on the Dispatches programme broadcast on Monday 20th August 2012.
It is written by a layperson, not a lawyer, and should not be relied upon for legal use or to encourage you to take legal action. It is written for your information.
If you wish to dispute your bill in any courts or at the LVT, the ILA  strongly suggest you should always seek legal advice from lawyers experienced in UK leasehold contracts.  You can find the original decision at the Lands Tribunal website.
Summary of Tremlett Grove findings
The actual costs involved are detailed in Appendix 1 on page 27 of the actual LVT ruling
LVT – Merryweather & Brennand court vs LBI 29.3.12

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