Financial Housing ILA Information Islington LBI Leaseholders

Leaseholders may be charged £1300 per year + to pay other council bills?

Islington Council have been recently been formulating the  LBI ‘Housing Asset Strategy’ – which is Islington Councils 30 year programme for us all.
 In  clause 7.2 LBI estimate they will be spending “£39m + inflation” every year on housing work, so leaseholders 1/3rd share would be approximately £13m + inflation bills between 10,000 leaseholders = £1300 every year + bills !!
Quite a lot of the report is  nothing to do with ‘housing’ although they have clearly stated the ‘Housing Asset’ part will be used to fund it.
If any Leaseholders ( particularly those with specialist knowledge debt finance/ accountancy ) have any comments on how the proposals in report  might impact leaseholders, the ILA would like to hear from you.
Contact ILA
encl. Housing Asset Management Strategy


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