Non-Resident Leaseholders 07.11



Following a joint initiative between the ILA and HfI, there is now an agreed procedure which HfI staff will follow to make sure that leaseholders who don’t live in their HfI – managed flats will receive important correspondence from HfI at their designated correspondence addresses.

This is the list we have jointly agreed and in it  ‘NRL’ stands for Non-Resident Leaseholders.

Would all NRLs have a look at this list and see if we’ve covered all eventualities?

It may be that you have other examples of mail which you feel you should have received but didn’t.

In which case, please email us at:

Similarly, we would like to have your correspondence address so that we can send  our newsletters direct to you and not to your tenants.

SO PLEASE email us with the best address to reach you at.


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