Partners Cyclical Works info – presentation, reports etc

Various presentations , reports and info on  Partners Cyclical Works – download by clicking on links

Partners Cyclical Decorations Programme 2013-2014 Presentation

Partners Cyclical Decorations Programme 2013-2014 copy


Responses to questions about Partners  external decorations received by Islington Council November 2013

Partners_re_qs␣ext␣decs␣Islington␣ Council␣Nov␣2013


2012-13 Cyclical decoration programme – satisfaction and quality checks analysis – Feedback to Forum 20 March 2014 -As reported by Islington Council.


Partners-new-cyclical-maintenance- Conservation guidance, building surveyer inspection, replacement windows 2012


Partners Cyclical decorations Presentation Jan 12- 2012

Cyclical decorations Presentation Jan 12


Partners Lifecycle Presentation  2011

Lifecycle presentation to Forumv5 rev-l



From: john venning -partners islington
To: Forum member
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011
Subject: Partners Residents Forum – Misc questions  (re work guarantees, damp proofing, technical reports, cost caps, life cycles, snagging, compensation


Thank you for your email dated 21 January 2010 setting out some of the questions raised at the Residents Forum the previous evening. For ease of reference I will answer your questions using the same numbering.

1 & 2 Damp proofing and underpinning are both covered by insurance backed guarantees. UHL are also a FENSA approved window installer. A certificate is issued for all FENSA installed windows and this should come with a 5-10 year guarantee. All general building work e.g. roofing, external rendering are not covered by formal guarantees/warranties but contractors and designers would be liable for any defective workmanship or defective design. In practice any building defects that arise as a result of defective workmanship or design would be made good at no extra expense to residents or LBI/HFI. The National House-Building Council also provide insurance backed warranties for up to 10 years but this really only applies to newly built housing and not repair/refurbishment work.

3 The damp proofing work carried out by UHL has an insurance backed guarantee for 10 years. This is covered by a firm called Sovereign. Underpinning would be carried out by a specialist firm with insurer’s approval. Future subsidence defects should be covered by the ongoing building insurance cover presently provided by Owasso.

4 All residents would be entitled to see copies of technical reports, schedules of work and guarantees for properties managed by Partners unless their disclosure undermined the privacy of individual residents. I assume that you would be interested in seeing any reports on your property.

5 The lifecycle presentation has been sent to you and can be forwarded to anyone who might be interested.

6 Your property is included in the PFI 2 contract which expires in 2022. Lifecycle work runs from when a property is refurbished until the end of the contract in 2022. Lifecycle work that would be service chargeable would include damp proofing, roofing work and works to the internal and external common parts e.g. garden walls, paths and steps. Some of this would be carried out on a responsive basis but the expectation is that external lifecycle work would be done when the external decorating is carried out. The external decorating cycle for both PFI 1 & 2 properties is 7 years. Partners is contracted to carry out external decorations to all PFI 2 properties: once during the Refurbishment Works Programme and once during Contract Years 8 – 14 (inclusive) i.e. 2013 – 2019.

7 This is a very difficult question to answer and I wouldn’t want to mislead you about future costs. My understanding is that leaseholders’ liabilities for major works/lifecycle works is capped at £10,000 for a five year period. This means if you have reached the cap you would not be liable for any lifecycle costs or repair costs for the next five years. The cap does not apply to repairs to rear garden walls and drainage work which is carried out by HFI. The most costly items of lifecycle work would be roofing work, damp proofing and garden walls but it is difficult to me to advise on the likely future costs without knowing the condition of the property. The other major cost would be the external decorating. My understanding is that your property was painted in 2010 and therefore would no be painted again until 2017. The historic cost information we presently hold on properties relates to the refurbishment phase and would not be representative of future costs.

8 General lifecycle work runs from when a property is refurbished until the end of the contract in 2022.

9&10 Snagging is normally defined as minor defects identified at the time of practical completion of the works. Snaggings should be made good within a reasonable time agreed by the surveyor and contractor.

The word defects is normally associated with defects that occur during the Defects Liability Period (DLP) which is normally 12 months. We are presently reviewing the response times for remedying defects in the DLP but some of these would also be covered by our repair response times of 24 hrs, 3, 5, 20 and 28 days.


11 I think this question is addressed by the responses above.

12 The Works Team have used a schedule of rates for the refurbishment work. The rates were agreed by competitive tender. Rydon will also be carrying out competitive tenders to agree schedule of rates or lump sum prices for external decorating work and lifecycle work. The actual prices of work are set out in both Section 20 estimates and leasehold final accounts.

13 Attached is a copy of Partners Compensation procedure. This is different form HFI’s ‘Compensation and Remedies’ policy which I understand was reviewed last year. Partners is planning to review our policy this year.
14 I am not able to answer any of the questions relating to the PWc Audit. The audit and the report were commissioned by the London Borough of Islington. All questions about the terms of reference, methodology used and the outcome of the report will need to be directed to LBI.



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