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Islington Leaseholders Association
Leaseholders of Islington ex-local authority properties and our aim is to to ensure that Islington Council, its managing agent(s) and Partners, provide leaseholders with a better service and value for money
Islington Leaseholders Association Ltd – legal details
Legal advice
Your Rights
How to buy a Freehold and Lease extension
My upstairs neighbour has flooded me again
service charge dispute articles 04.13
HFI Compensation and Remedies Procedure
Partners – PFI Compensation procedure
“Leaseholder Service Charge Challenge” and “Service Alerts & Formal Complaints” procedure 19.3.11
Service charges
Partners Cyclical Works info – presentation, reports etc
How many Section 20’s will Partners leaseholders receive for lifecycle work?
PFI links
Partners PFI2 Availabilty Standard
Non-Resident Leaseholders 07.11
RTB ‘Right to Buy’ Residential Leases – Example & explanations
Inspecting Islington Council accounts
Web link for Islington LVT decisions
Agreement between LBI & Partners PFI 1
Insurance Presentation to Leaseholders 11.2011
LBI & KIER JV contract 2000 Redacted
Partners briefly outline their plans for the future of PFI Leaseholder properties @Jan’11
Agreement between LBI & HFI to “client” PFI 1 & 2
TREMLETT GROVE LVT Findings summary 09.12
Listed Building Owner Info Request 20.6.10
HFI management agreement with LBI
LBI Review of PFI Leaseholder Major Works Contract 10.2010
leaseholders info proposed Framework Agreement 2010
Community ownership models for ALMOs ‘could raise new resources’ 26.11.10
HFI – PFI 1 Surveyor reports info 2006-08
Partners Management Fee Breakdown – 2010-2011
PFI 2 – LBI Agreement with Partners
subcontractors, suppliers and consultants with PFI 2 housing scheme
Tribune letter – Charge to leaseholders has nothing to do with the cost of the service we get 01.16
Why not withhold PFI Housing payments in Islington? 02.14
Read the Chairs foreword to the Leaseholder Recharges Scrutiny Panel ( Camden) 10.16
Millions could be raised in Islington leasehold sale 11.12
‘We got it wrong on fees for estate work,’ says council leader Watts
£10m raised in three months by selling off council housing 08.14
Building contractor sacked after overcharging Brighton and Hove housing chiefs £300k
Home repairs bills: ‘We’ve learned our lesson,’ say council via Tribune 02.13
Independent: Join our campaign to stop the fleecing of leaseholders 1.14
Homeowners have declared victory after the council announced it will not contest a ruling that it blew £1million overpaying on repair work.11.12
Solicitor’s frank comments on many social landlords contractor payments 08.14
“We’re fed up being fobbed off ” Press articles 29.07.11
Thousands of Islington resident’s incl. Partners Leaseholders excluded from being “Independent Tenant Adviser” 6.11
‘Champions must not be chumps’ Letter Islington Gazette 09.12
“Disband HFI Petition goes live” letter to Tribune with argument for HFI 07.11
Bemerton leaseholders could lose their homes if estate is demolished 31.3.11
Billions of taxpayers money wasted by council on PFI schemes says gazette 11.11
Blenheim estate resident to receive itemised bill FIVE years after request 1.4.11
Boycotting LBI So Called ITA process because its a fix letter to ‘Inside housing’ 07.11
Council must face investigation for scandal of contractor overpayments 08.12
Disband HFI correspondence from Islington Tribune 08.11
HFI brought in house & Residents say they’re ripped off over caretaking charges 12.11
HFI don’t give credit where credit is due 16.7.11
Letters from Gazette 11.10.12
Local press letters on Tremlett Grove vs LBI LVT & LBI waste 04.2012
Out in the cold in race to be champion 08.12
Potter rubbishes manipulation of so-called “Housing Executive” 07.12
Spot checks have exposed appalling conditions in council homes 10.13
White paper reveals proposals to make ALMO’s independent 20.7.11 petition, threatens HFI Directors lucrative future? 7.11
Tribune Letter-Islington Council – broken promises, expensive delays and avoiding responsibility 17.5.11
Demolition of trouble-torn Bemerton estate remains an option 11 March, 2011
Joint chief exec. position for Islington and Camden from Tribune letters page c. 09.2010
Whose your Landlord? 20.6.10
Dr B.S.Potter letter to Islington Tribune and Guardian on reducing the cost to the borough of the unnecessary / unwanted components related to the Decent Homes Program! 1.8.10
New Long Term Maintenance Contracts 20.6.10
ILA Newsletter 6 Spring 2012
ILA Newsletter 5 Winter 2011
ILA Newsletter 4 Spring 2010
ILA Newsletter 2 August 2008
Mail List
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New Email list – Registration Complete
Membership contact form
Volunteers wanted for ILA
ILA Volunteer contact form
Islington Tribune Letter 2012 after Council end tenant involvement
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