Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings Website

ILA Meet Wed 14.03.18

Islington Leaseholders Association Meeting


Wednesday 14th March 2018


Islington Town Hall


7pm – 9pm

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA)

Guest Speakers: Mr Nicholas Kissen Senior Adviser and Ms Kavita Bharti A Legal Adviser at The Leasehold Advisory Service. A short presentation followed by questions and answers.

Please click on the “Lease” links below.


Twitter @ilaorguk

Face Book

Volunteers wanted

The ILA are looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist with the smooth running of the organisation. If you are interested please log into

If you wish to join or renew your membership please contact our website where you can obtain the appropriate membership forms.

Please impress upon any other leaseholders that it is in their interest to attend these meetings regularly…..


Cyclical Works Financial Housing ILA Information Islington LBI Leaseholders Listed Buildings Major Works Meetings Partners PFI Repairs Service Charges

Housing Scrutiny – Information on Partners Resident Scrutiny Arrangements Meeting Tuesday 6th February 2018.

Housing Scrutiny-Information on Partners Resident Scrutiny Arrangements Meeting Tuesday 6th February 2018.

In advance of next week’s Housing Scrutiny meeting which will be considering the performance of Partners, please find attached a note submitted by a Partners tenant on the organisation’s resident scrutiny arrangements. This may inform discussions at the meeting.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th February, 2018, at 7.30pm in Committee Room 4. The pre-meeting will be held from 7-pm in Committee Room 3, at Islington Town Hall.

Please click on this link –PartnersResidentScrutinyNote2018.pdf

Cyclical Works Financial Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Major Works Partners PFI Repairs Service Charges Website

Service charge limit for leaseholders of social landlords

New mandatory and discretionary reduction of service charges directions for social landlords came into force on 12 August 2014.

Heres a link to Leases’ article on the recent cap

Here are links to the mandatory and discretionary regs

Cyclical Works Financial ILA Information Islington LBI Leaseholders Major Works Partners PFI Repairs Service Charges

Solicitor’s frank comments on many social landlords contractor payments

Social landlords don’t know whether contractors are requesting payment for the right amounts, warns Theresa Mohammed in Inside Housing

Put bad practice behind you   

Most social landlords that develop homes have always disapproved of the now outdated practice of failing to pay contractors and subcontractors in a timely manner. They have taken a keen interest in the mechanics of the payment provisions under recent legislation.
Among our clients, we have seen social landlords bending over backwards to engage with contractors’ claims and cost overruns, even when this results in busting the budget for a project.
But this has to some extent gone too far and encouraged contractors to fall back on the old-fashioned claims culture of inflated and unsubstantiated claims for payment, which are difficult to assess with any accuracy. Contractors typically send these payment applications in the form of long spreadsheets of figures, relating to subcontractors. Some social landlords have been paying without checking for mistakes or asking for justification for the amounts requested.
Social landlords increasingly tell us about duplicated invoicing, spurious variations where a contractor claims that the scope of work has changed, the withholding of invoices for long periods of time, failure to follow any of the agreed payment processes, and contractors introducing payment terms or rates that were not agreed.
Lack of management
One of the main reasons for these problems is a distinct lack of senior management in repairs and maintenance contracting, which means costs are incurred and then crudely attributed to various categories of cost, such as preliminaries or planned works, which may or may not be legitimate.

(Theresa Mohammed is a contentious construction senior associate at Trowers & Hamlins)

Artcicle from Inside Housing   27 August 2014


Financial Housing ILA Information Islington Lands Tribunal LBI Leaseholders Partners Service Charges

“WESTLAW” free of charge in all of Islington’s Libraries.

Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA) has asked me to forward this onto you all.
I have just discovered that you can access “WESTLAW” free of charge in all of Islington’s Libraries.If you need to research any form of law documentation…all that you need is a library card…!!!

Dr B.S. Potter Chairman (ILA)


Financial Housing ILA Islington LBI Meetings Website

ILA meet Wed 12.02.14

Islington Leaseholders Association Meeting
Wednesday 12th February 2014
Islington Town Hall
7pm – 9pm
Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman ILA
Guest SpeakerCllr Watts
New Leader of Islington Council
Twitter @ilaorguk
Volunteers wanted
The ILA are looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist with the smooth running of the organisation.  If you are interested please log into
If you wish to join or renew your membership please contact our website where you can obtain the appropriate membership forms.  
Please impress upon any other leaseholders that it is in their interest to attend these meetings regularly…
[1] Dr Potter has asked me to forward this link…. onto you all to view as a point of information.  Whistle-blower Mr Strong v Morrison’s & Mears.
ILA Information Islington Lands Tribunal Leaseholders Service Charges Website

First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Presentation – ILA meeting

First-tier Tribunal(Property Chamber) presentation on the  replacement to the Lands Valuation Tribunal (  LVT ) from ILA meeting on Wednesday 12th June 2013 by Nicholas Kissen from LEASE. ( requires Powerpoint to view).


Housing Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings Service Charges

ILA AGM & meet Wed 12 June 2013

Islington Leaseholders Association

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

 and Meeting

Wednesday 12th June 2013

Islington Town Hall

7pm – 9pm

Hosting the Meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman ILA

Guest Speakers: Mr Nicolas Kisson (Chief Litigation Solicitor) and Mr Tom Frith (Solicitor) from ‘LEASE’ organisation, who will be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the NEW form, and procedures of the recently up dated LVT process.

Twitter @ilaorguk

Face Book


ILA – volunteers wanted

The ILA is looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist the smooth running of the organisation. If your interested please log onto

Financial ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Major Works Service Charges

leaseholder service charge disputes

recent articles on leaseholder service charge disputes and some  legal implications




Financial Housing ILA Islington Lands Tribunal Leaseholders Meetings

ILA monthly meet Wed 12th Decemeber 2012

Islington Leaseholders Association

Meeting  on

Wednesday 12th Decemeber  2012


Islington Town Hall


7pm – 9pm

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman ILA

Guest Speakers: Presentation by ‘LEASE’ on HOW to  CHALLENGE YOUR BILLS at the LVT.

Twitter @ilaorguk
Face Book

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month

ILA – volunteers wanted
The ILA is looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist the smooth running of the organisation.  If your interested please contact us here.

If you wish to join or renew your membership please contact our website where you can obtain the appropriate membership forms here .

Please impress upon any other leaseholders that it is in their interest to attend these meetings regularly…….

Housing ILA Information Islington LBI Leaseholders

social landlords are perceived to be silencing tenants’ groups

New research suggests some social landlords are perceived to be silencing tenants’ groups they disagree with, leaving residents feeling marginalised and disempowered. Martin Hilditch of Inside Housing investigates  more