Government Housing ILA Leaseholders Leases Website

Invitation to free webinar on consultation re consumer redress in housing market

Register now for the free webinar

LEASE is hosting a free webinar to help you make an informed contribution to the Government’s consultation  Strengthening consumer redress in the housing market’.

The webinar will be presented by our experienced advisers, Nicholas Kissen and Kavita Bharti.

The webinar is on Monday 26 March 2018, 7pm – 8:30pm. Click here to register.

The Government is concerned that the current landscape is confusing for consumers both in terms of the number of schemes, differences in practices, and gaps where consumers have no recourse to redress. As a consequence the consultation explores and questions:

improving ‘in–house’ complaint processes, to ensure that issues get resolved as quickly as possible;

the practices and functions that should be expected of redress schemes and the powers that they need to do this;

How to fill existing gaps in redress, with a particular focus on private tenants, buyers of new build homes and leaseholders; and

The case for streamlining and improving services for consumers through the creation of a single housing ombudsman service.

Responses to the consultation should be submitted no later than midnight on 16 April 2018. You are encouraged to respond by completing an online survey.

Alternatively you can email your response to the questions in the consultation to –

Written responses should be sent to:

Social Housing Division, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Third Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF

Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings Website

ILA Meet Wed 14.03.18

Islington Leaseholders Association Meeting


Wednesday 14th March 2018


Islington Town Hall


7pm – 9pm

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA)

Guest Speakers: Mr Nicholas Kissen Senior Adviser and Ms Kavita Bharti A Legal Adviser at The Leasehold Advisory Service. A short presentation followed by questions and answers.

Please click on the “Lease” links below.


Twitter @ilaorguk

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Volunteers wanted

The ILA are looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist with the smooth running of the organisation. If you are interested please log into

If you wish to join or renew your membership please contact our website where you can obtain the appropriate membership forms.

Please impress upon any other leaseholders that it is in their interest to attend these meetings regularly…..


Councillors Cyclical Works Financial Housing ILA Islington LBI Leaseholders Major Works Partners PFI Repairs Service Charges

Pity that Islington’s Councillors aren’t as concerned about their leaseholders

Please read this letter…

Basically, in a very few words, it outlines many of the problems, and aspirations, associated with being a council leaseholder in the borough of Camden.

In my opinion its content could/should be common to all council leaseholders, regardless of which borough they live in since it forcefully stresses the plight of a deliberately ignored proportion of the electorate…until, of course, the council present us with their grossly inflated charges for substandard work…

I just wish I had written it…

Dr Potter

Chairman: – Islington Leaseholders Association (ILA)



Report of the Camden Leaseholder Recharges Scrutiny Panel

Cllr Meric Apak (Chair) writes:

I cannot help but speculate whether, before my time as a Councillor, my predecessors have been in this same position, aspiring to resolve leasehold related issues in council housing.

My personal aim through this scrutiny process has been to shine a torch on our failings as shown by the evidence we have collected, learn from this, and make recommendations to unravel this complex tangled mess which we seem to have allowed to fester.

Alas, for too long now we seem to have turned a blind eye to a culture which treats our leaseholders as second class residents – at least that’s the impression I get from my postbag. We need to accept that leasehold tenure in council housing is here to stay and that our leaseholders make a positive contribution to Camden.

Leaseholders are neither an irritating adjunct to council housing nor an ATM machine, and we need to differentiate the ordinary vast majority, from the minority who used the Right-to-Buy scheme for property speculation purposes.

We need to tap into Leaseholders’ knowledge and expertise to help Camden drive costs down, particularly in supervision and management. Services need, particularly in today’s straightened times, to provide value for money and to be comparable with those procured elsewhere in the marketplace, whilst complying with health and safety requirements. Not driving costs down can only result in unjustified charges to leaseholders which will not be recovered, which in turn can only be met by the Housing Revenue Account – thus pushing rents higher. So when we say leaseholders are “subsidised by tenants”, are we not highlighting our own failure?

We need to come up with ingenious methods to successfully engage with and meaningfully involve leaseholders (together with tenants) during the consultation process and convince them from the outset that this process will deliver a high quality service and value for money.

For this to work, there needs to be ‘buy-in’ from leaseholders that the survey and estimated cost of works to be done is worth the paper it’s written on. We then need to execute the agreed work, on time and to the agreed budget. This is obviously a simplification of what is needed – perhaps even a fanciful aspiration some might say.

Our success will be measured by how much culture change we can bring about throughout the officer ranks of the Council. We have a real opportunity to expand the ‘Right First Time’ philosophy, and to instill ‘buy-in’ for this concept right from the very junior member of staff to the most senior manager, and through to external providers and partners involved in delivering services to our leaseholders and tenants.

I would like to extend my thanks to the panel members for assisting me in this process. I would also like to say a special thanks to our Assistant Director Stuart Dilley, who agrees that there does need to be a culture change within the Council. Special thanks also to our committee clerk Vinothan Sangarapillai who has been instrumental in capturing the evidence through his diligent note taking.

But most of all, I am truly grateful to the many leaseholders for the large number of case studies that they have submitted to the Panel and took the time to describe the many harrowing experiences they have endured under the unsatisfactory historic arrangements – thank you.

Meric Apak



Financial Housing ILA Information Islington Lands Tribunal LBI Leaseholders Partners Service Charges

“WESTLAW” free of charge in all of Islington’s Libraries.

Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA) has asked me to forward this onto you all.
I have just discovered that you can access “WESTLAW” free of charge in all of Islington’s Libraries.If you need to research any form of law documentation…all that you need is a library card…!!!

Dr B.S. Potter Chairman (ILA)


Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings

ILA meet Wed 9th july 2014

Islington Leaseholders Association Meeting


Wednesday 9th July 2014


Islington Town Hall


7pm – 9pm

Guest Speaker: Mr Ross Howarth the “Housing Ombudsman Service” adjudicator.

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA)

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Please Join  the ILA or renew your membership here


Election Financial Housing ILA Information Islington LBI Leaseholders Meetings Service Charges

ILA AGM & meet – Wed 11th June 2014

Islington Leaseholders Association Meeting
Annual General Meeting


Wednesday 11th June 2014


Islington Town Hall


7pm – 9pm

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman (ILA)

Guest Speakers: Mrs Patricia Napier

Twitter: @ilaorguk
Face Book

Please tell /retweet/re-mail/ like / anyone who might be interested about this meeting

Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Service Charges

Send govt. your views and evidence about poor service, wasted spending, and high charges

After pressure from leaseholders organisation and others, the Office of Fair Trading is to investigate Service Charges.

Evidence is invited from anyone concerned and results are due by the end of 2014. The study was first announced last year to look at services for flats in the private sector only, but 250 people and organisations wrote in about its limited scope and it has been agreed to include the millions of leaseholders who rely on councils and housing associations to run their estates.

Go to to register for progress updates; and email to send them your views and any evidence about poor service; wasted spending; and high charges. For more information:

In their detailed scoping report published 4th March 2014, the OFT said that the social housing sector was, on reflection “too large and important” to omit from their study.

The study’s full title is “Market study into the provision of residential property management services”. In April, the OFT gets merged into a new Competition & Markets Authority (CMA). info from Hackney Leaseholders

ILA Information Islington Lands Tribunal Leaseholders Service Charges Website

First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Presentation – ILA meeting

First-tier Tribunal(Property Chamber) presentation on the  replacement to the Lands Valuation Tribunal (  LVT ) from ILA meeting on Wednesday 12th June 2013 by Nicholas Kissen from LEASE. ( requires Powerpoint to view).


Housing Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings Service Charges

ILA AGM & meet Wed 12 June 2013

Islington Leaseholders Association

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

 and Meeting

Wednesday 12th June 2013

Islington Town Hall

7pm – 9pm

Hosting the Meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman ILA

Guest Speakers: Mr Nicolas Kisson (Chief Litigation Solicitor) and Mr Tom Frith (Solicitor) from ‘LEASE’ organisation, who will be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the NEW form, and procedures of the recently up dated LVT process.

Twitter @ilaorguk

Face Book


ILA – volunteers wanted

The ILA is looking for a ‘secretary’ to take minutes and distribute them regularly to all the directors and asks for a volunteer to undertake this essential part of the work, to assist the smooth running of the organisation. If your interested please log onto

Housing ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Meetings

ILA meet Wed 08 May 2013

Islington Leaseholders Association


Wednesday 8th May 2013

Islington Town Hall

7pm – 9pm

Hosting the meeting: Dr Brian Potter Chairman ILA

Guest Speaker: To be advised


Twitter  @ilaorguk

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If you wish to join or renew your membership please contact our website where you can obtain the appropriate membership forms.


Financial ILA Information Islington Leaseholders Major Works Service Charges

leaseholder service charge disputes

recent articles on leaseholder service charge disputes and some  legal implications