Councillors Election Financial Housing IBC ILA Information Islington Islington Council LBI Leaseholders Repairs Service Charges

Smoke and mirrors

It doesn’t surprise me in the least that in this weeks edition of the (Islington Tribune (22/11/24) Cllr Ona O’Halloran immediately admits the fact that both the Housing Ombudsman and The right Honourable Michael Gove recently condemned and Castigated Islington Council, stating they where shocked to find that complaints in Islington were found to be four (4) times higher than anywhere else in the country, In the mouldy and damp ridden homes she preside over …Since she was obviously advised to highlight, and dispose of such a disgraceful record, before demands for her to acknowledge it by Residents, really opened up the “can of worms”…anyone needing a copy can get it free from

I thought Una’s call for independents to stand down showed her up as authoritarian. Hasn’t it occurred to Cllr O’Halloran that the reason so many independents were standing in Junction ward could be directly attributed to the fact that there is no Democracy in Islington…we are a ONE PARTY BOROUGH, and will remain so as long as tenants are keep in the dark in regard to issues such as : -Their average weekly council rent rise this year of £10…And Leaseholders Cyclic Maintenance bills now increasing exponentially (I saw one for £72,000)…while at the same time our pensioners are choosing to either Freeze or go hungry…

I really do think that it is time Cllr O’Halloran…started to look, listen, and learn…instead of just spouting election rhetoric…

Does she at any point associate her early life problems with those of the poorest residents in this Borough…I think NOT, for should she do so, she would stop banging the drum on the progress of the Labour Party and start to install some democratic processes into Islington…

Recently, she oversaw a Third of this Borough’s tenants openly discriminated against because the council “didn’t like” what they said about Rents and Service charges…and did nothing about it…


Councillors Election Financial Government Housing IBC ILA Islington Islington Council LBI Leaseholders Repairs

Ombudsmans ‘Shocking” report on Islington Council

Dr Brian Potter is repeatedly asked for the Ombudsmans ‘Shocking” report on Islington Council while campaigning.

We’ve all heard how Islington Borough Council’s Housing Chief (and now Boss) Una O’Halloran was too “busy” to speak to the Islington Tribune’s news reporter recently. 

Perhaps her understandable reticence to be interviewed concerned the shocking report,  which high lighted council tenants still trapped in home’s riddled with damp and mould years after the Ombudsman’s damning report into Islington’s serious Mismanagement of this Borough, (link here 

The Rt Hon Michael Gove’s scathing letter to the council which followed, detailing how Islington Borough Council’s appalling administration rate’s were four (4) times higher than the national average, and noted that IBC still repeatedly failed to follow their own procedures and policies, as reported here on the ILA website earlier this year. 

Dr Brian Potter was repeatedly asked for, and supplied numerous copies of the ombudsman’s report (attached below) while campaigning as an independent for Junction ward on housing issues.

Perhaps it was this revelation which upset the council to the point where at November’s meeting of the ILA, the meeting required relocating, without notice, after the Council banned the ILA from hiring the Town Hall after 17 years of service to the Borough.

Possibly, their actions were due to the councils inability to handle any form of tenant criticism, or as others have frequently noted, their propensity for censorship and total lack of democracy. When questioned on the subject, the council simply stated that they “did not recognise the association” after 17 years…!!!

So much for democracy.!

Councillors Cyclical Works Financial Government Housing ILA Islington LBI Leaseholders Repairs

Questions For Islington Council Causing Distress To Residents

Dr Brian Potter, sent the Letter of October 23 from MP Michael Gove to Victoria Lawson, CEO Islington Council to the tribune this week obo the ILA.

The Tribune published it in this weeks edition…

The letter discusses the Housing Ombudsman’s Special Report condemning Islington Councils  “severe maladministration rate [which] is four times the national average”.

Gove goes on  “This is unacceptable. The report identifies unreasonable delays, poor record keeping and communication with your residents, and a failure to follow your own policies and procedures. You failed to identify underlying issues – instead, you took a superficial look at problems such as damp and mould. It is not surprising that, as a result, many of your residents have suffered prolonged periods of distress”

Since it was dated Oct 23., Dr Potter suggests the Questions we should ask are…
Why did we not know about it until this week…?
and what has/will the council do about it now that it is in the public domain…?