I am Dr Potter…
Chairman of the Islington Leaseholders Association…
For the last 17 years I have been holding leaseholders Meetings in the Town Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of every month…It is without doubt the best attended meeting in the Borough …
Last month, Islington Council decided that they needed to control the 11000 leaseholders (1/3 of the Borough) and stop complaints about the building “works” billing…
So, after 17 years they have now banned the Association from the Town Hall and state that they “Do Not Recognise Us…!!!
We are so desperate for some degree of representation in the Borough that I am now standing in the local council elections (next week) on behalf of the leaseholders of the Borough…
We have council leaseholders with £40.000 – £72.000 bills which independent surveyors have described as extortionate….
The council are issuing massive bills, which leaseholders cannot pay, so they, are selling their homes back to the council…and have to leave the Borough where they were born…
The Council have to date purchased 500 flats…which they state is to be used for “short term Accommodation”…done at the cost of homes of existing tenants…!!!
I have correspondence to support these statements from both the council and effected leaseholders…
Please publish this “Cry for help”…from “Desperate leaseholders of Islington Council”
Dr Brian Potter…
Chairman (ILA) Islington Leaseholders Association…
Ex Chairman (FITA) Federation of Islington Tenants Associations…
#DrBrianPotter , #potter4change , #votepotter4junction #islingtonCouncilMouldyOldHomes #YourVoiceYourCommunityYourChange