As I explained previously, Islington Council recently attempted to disband the ILA, by denying us use of a room in the Town Hall, stating that they “no longer recognise the ILA”. However, having solved the problem of a venue, the directors and I decided to advance the ILA’s existence into a far wider electorate, by standing as an independent in the local elections for “Junction Ward”.
Sorry to say, but this time around we didn’t get ELECTED…primarily, due to our combined inexperience and time constraints…But certainly, NOT for lack of trying, or enthusiasm on the part of those who very willingly volunteered their services…A Great big THANKS to all concerned… Nevertheless, due to their efforts, the ILA is now recognised/known by many, many more leaseholders who previously had no idea it existed…!!!
I am extremely happy with the challenge we raised in such a short period of time, and can only say that it was a WONDERFUL learning curve, that our team tested to the utmost, and one which will pay off enormously in all future efforts…(and, we only polled 18 votes behind the Conservative Party Candidate…!!!)
However, “Never say Die”…as the Chairman of the ILA I am proposing to the membership that in future we up our game PLAN exponentially by: –
1/ Possibly fielding candidates in all/any forthcoming Local Elections…In all/any Wards up for re-election…
2/ Promoting an extremely vociferous membership of ILA members, able to show Islington Council and various Government Departments that we demand to be recognised in this Borough. Sadly, although Council leaseholders currently constitute approximately ONE THIRD of all Council properties…we still lack our own “voice” in Islington Town Hall…
This situation urgently needs redressing…!!!
3/ Further our Association’s objectives by using our WEBSITE / PRESS to link up with similar Organisations with compatible aim’s and objectives…(there are 4.6 million leaseholders in this country)…
4/ Reserve a LARGER meeting room in which to hold our regular MONTHLY meetings…
5/ Generally work to a loosely, but appropriate, preset agenda…
6/ Regularly Advertise the meetings in the Press / Etc…
7/ Given that we have approximately 11000 Council Leaseholders in the Borough…a vast number of which are still painfully unaware that the ILA exists, it will be be EXTREMELY useful if all of our existing members join in our recruitment drive, and encourage more leaseholders to attend our meetings, and support our objectives…ASAP…
8/ Notably, since the government have recently reduced the discount on RTB properties, the poor old Councils must be completely overwhelmed with tenants attempting to apply prior to the new (much lower) discount effectively coming into force…(which should allow our membership to increase by 000?” Over night…)
Questions: –
1/ What’s this financial windfall to the Council, going to be used for.?…Perhaps, since it’s your cash they are about to inherit, you might like to demand an answer from Cllr O’Halloran, Leader of Islington Council…in person…!!!
Dr Brian Potter…
Chairman ILA…